Welcome to

DSSOP Pharmacy College

Designed to be the center of excellence for Pharmaceutical Sciences in North India!

About us

DSSOP Pharmacy College of Pharmacy has been designed to be the center of excellence for Pharmaceutical Sciences in North India. The profession of pharmacy has transformed into a hub for the ”Global Healthcare” and evolved as a multidisciplinary, multifaceted curriculum. Its involvement is deep as it has an important role in all events: from discovery of new drug molecule to its evaluation, development, approval for human consumption, manufacture and every other important aspect.


What We Offer



D.Pharmacy Course is a career-oriented program in the medical field of Pharmacy, designed to familiarize candidates with the basic concepts of pharmaceutical science.



B.Pharm stands for Bachelor of Pharmacy. It is a 4 years long undergraduate course. After completing the course, graduates will obtain the ‘Bachelor of Pharmacy’ degree.